Dashboard Definitions
Headcount Definitions
This dashboard shows unduplicated counts for each member of a Stanford population and may not match numbers reported elsewhere due to this requirement. Headcounts are captured according to the following definitions:
Undergraduate and Graduate Students
Student headcounts are sourced from the official university census, which includes all active, enrolled students as of the fifth week of the autumn quarter. In this dashboard, each student is counted under a single school in order to achieve an unduplicated, university-wide headcount. If a student has multiple academic pursuits in different schools, (e.g. a coterminal master’s degree, a double major, etc.) only one school affiliation is counted, based on a combination of factors including degree level, tuition category, and alphabetical sorting. Data source: IR&DS
Postdoctoral Scholars
Headcounts for postdoctoral scholars are captured on October 1 of each academic year and include all postdoctoral scholars and all medical fellows (School of Medicine only) appointed through the university who have an appointment as of that date. Postdoctoral affiliations are defined by the area of the appointment, not by academic enrollment. Data source: Office of Postdoctoral Affairs
Professoriate Faculty
The Professoriate faculty headcount includes all members of the Professoriate (University Tenure Line, Non-Tenure Line, Medical Center Line, Senior Fellows and Center Fellows in designated policy centers and institutes) with appointments as of September 1. Affiliations are shown based on primary appointment only. Data source: IR&DS
The staff headcounts are as of October 31 and include all regular, benefits-eligible employees. With rare exceptions, employees must work more than 50% FTE in order to be eligible for benefits. Employees of SLAC are not included. Employees with multiple jobs are counted only in the job that is tied to their benefits, typically the one with the largest number of standard hours. Data source: IR&DS.
Demographic Definitions
These dashboards use the federal race/ethnicity reporting categories mandated by the Department of Education. The following logic is used to assign individuals to race/ethnicity categories, based on self-reported race/ethnicity identification:
“Unknown/Decline to state” includes anyone whose race/ethnicity is unknown or who has declined to state a race/ethnicity. It also includes students and postdoctoral scholars whose citizenship is unknown.
“International” includes any students or postdoctoral scholars who are known to have international citizenship and are not a US citizen or permanent resident. The “International” category does not include any Professoriate faculty or staff.
“Hispanic/Latino” includes all individuals who have identified their ethnicity as such, regardless of any other affiliations they have reported. For students and postdocs, this category is limited to known US citizens and permanent residents.
“Two or more, not Hispanic/Latino” includes individuals who have identified with more than one race and have not identified as “Hispanic/Latino”. For students and postdocs, this category is limited to known US citizens and permanent residents.
All other groups include the individuals who have selected that category as their single affiliation.
Underrepresented Minorities
The URM category includes all individuals (for students only, this is limited to US Citizens and permanent residents) who have self-identified as American Indian/Alaska Native, Black/African American, Hispanic/Latino, Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander. The URM category will include "Two or more, not Hispanic/Latino" individuals if at least one of their affiliations is one of these groups.
Currently, only data on binary sex are available.