DEI Efforts & Resources
Community centers have a broad range of programs and support for undergraduates.
The Office of Inclusion, Belonging and Intergroup Communication offers courses and workshops for students.
Inclusive Graduate Student and Postdoc Recruiting
IDEAL Graduate Recruitment Portal
[beta version] Resources for planning for improving diversity; promising practices; and enrollment and admission data dashboard
PRISM postdoc recruitment program (in Sciences and Medicine)
See Postdoc section
EDGE (Enhancing Diversity in Graduate Education) Doctoral Fellowship Program supports diversity in graduate recruitment and mentoring.
Mentoring and Support Graduate Students
DARE: (Diversifying Academia, Recruiting Excellence) awards two-year fellowships to advanced doctoral students who want to prepare for academic careers and whose presence will help diversify the professoriate.
Policies & Best Practices for Advising Relationships at Stanford (PDF)
Community centers have programs specific to graduate students.
EDGE (Enhancing Diversity in Graduate Education) Doctoral Fellowship Program
(see above)
VPGE train-the-trainer workshop for mentoring programs based on the EDGE mentoring model; offered for student-led programs , community centers, and other units.
PRISM Recruitment - Postdoc recruitment twice annually.
PRISM Community - Intentional activities for postdocs recruited through PRISM and allies
Designing your Postdoc : Sets expectations, creates community amongst cohort, identifies available resources
Scientific Teaching Institute Series: Building community among current and future science faculty.
Exploring the core tenets of Scientific Teaching: inclusion, active learning, assessment, and effective lesson planning.
Affinity groups: Black Postdoc Association, LatinX Postdoc Association, LGBTQ Postdoc Association
Certificate in Critical Consciousness and Anti-oppressive Praxis
New Fellowships: Stanford Science Fellows - H&S, Blaustein Fellowships - Earth, SoM new fellowship, IDEAL Provostial Fellowship
AGEP-NSF Research University Alliance - 9 institutions supporting under-represented postdocs in Math, Physical and Earth Sciences, and Engineering
Wellness programming: resilience, self-compassion, emotional regulation, productivity, etc.
Limited travel opportunities for conference travel: provides funding for one additional professional conference a year to support postdoc interests and also recruit while there (presenting/networking/recrtuitment).
Faculty Searches
IDEAL Fellows - applications accepted until 11/1
Cluster hires underway in STEM and non-STEM fields.
Tools and Resources for search committees
Video resource: Facilitating Inclusion & Equity Online -- part of the new Teaching Commons Site and was one of the presentations given in the summer TEACH symposium, designed to help faculty switch to effective online teaching.
Facilitating Inclusion & Equity Online
Tools and Resources for more Inclusive and Equitable Department Climates